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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guide: Unbiased Facts from former CDC Epidemiologist: Dr. Joel Selanikio

Dr. Joel Selanikio is a physician, TED speaker, inventor, emergency responder, and former CDC epidemiologist and outbreak investigator. He was also the lead physician at the IMC Ebola Treatment Center in Sierra Leone.

He is one of the few people on the planet that is a professional in public health, clinical expertise, and technology.

In our conversation we talk about the Corona Virus (COVID-19) including its origins, symptoms, testing, treatment and lessons to learn from it. There is a lot of noise out there right now--this episode was recorded to be as unbiased and useful as possible. Sign up for the newsletter for a few useful and insightful things that have helped me over the last month. You can sign up by clicking here. LinkedIn-- Justin 'Hasard' Lee Instagram-- @justinfighterpilot Facebook--@justinfighterpilot You can review the show by tapping here and scrolling to the bottom where it says: "Write a Review." Thanks for the support 👊


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